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The region has an overall population of about 8000; of these, approximately 6000 are Torres Strait islanders and Aboriginal people. They maintain a strong bond with the sea through their culture, lifestyle and history.Mahesh AlimchandaniBulletin De Lassiociation Internationale De Signalisation Maritime...
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It is desirable to provide some mechanism on vehicle more generally on cars body having low ground clearance which will avoid car from submerging under truck or buses having high ground clearance. For this purpose a mechanism comprises a pair of bars installed on cars body at front end to tran...
50: 250-2258.Gourlay, T.P. (2006). "Flow beneath a ship at small under keel clearance." Journal of Ship Research, 50(3), 250-258.Gourlay T (2006) Flow beneath a ship at small underkeel clearance. J Ship Res 50:250–2258