缺少一个环境变量,设置一下就好了 run->Edit Configurations Environment variables 里面添加一个键值对: TERM xterm-256color
Mac 使用CLion 工具书写c++代码执行清屏操作system(“clear”)的时候出现TERM environment variable not set的错误。 解决办法: Edit Configurations 里面的: Environment variables 里面添加一个键值对: TERM xterm-256color 即可。
After setting up PSRP on Linux, I remote connected from windows and issued the clear command. When I do this the screen does not clear and I am given the error "TERM environment variable not set.". It is a minor thing, but I am interested to find out if there is a way to make ...
the/usr/share/lib/terminfodirectory, which contains terminal definition files, is checked to determine how to clear the screen. If theTERMenvironment variable is not set, theclearcommand exits without taking any action.
ValidateShelveset ValidateTestStep ValidateWarning Validationrule ValidationSummary ValueType ValueTypeInternal ValueTypePrivate ValueTypeProtected ValueTypePublic ValueTypeSealed ValueTypeShortcut VariableProperty VBAApplication VBApplication VBAssemblyInfoFile VBBDCModel VBBlankApplication VBBlankFile VBBlankPhone VB...
ValidateShelveset ValidateTestStep ValidateWarning Validationrule ValidationSummary ValueType ValueTypeInternal ValueTypePrivate ValueTypeProtected ValueTypePublic ValueTypeSealed ValueTypeShortcut VariableProperty VBAApplication VBApplication VBAssemblyInfoFile VBBDCModel VBBlankApplication VBBlankFile VBBlankPhone ...
Setting the TERM environment variable to cygwin || msys didn't work for me. My fix was instead of using ${gitRootFolder}\bin\bash.exe, I used ${gitRootFolder}\usr\bin\bash.exe. That one worked for me without a hitch! Can you explain where to put this info? I am not clear. chr...
ValidateShelveset ValidateTestStep ValidateWarning ValidationRule ValidationSummary ValueType ValueTypeInternal ValueTypePrivate ValueTypeProtected ValueTypePublic ValueTypeSealed ValueTypeShortcut VariableProperty VBAApplication VBApplication VBAssemblyInfoFile VBBDCModel VBBlankApplication VBBlankFile VBBlankPhone VB...
ValidateShelveset ValidateTestStep ValidateWarning ValidationRule ValidationSummary ValueType ValueTypeInternal ValueTypePrivate ValueTypeProtected ValueTypePublic ValueTypeSealed ValueTypeShortcut VariableProperty VBAApplication VBApplication VBAssemblyInfoFile VBBDCModel VBBlankApplication VBBlankFile VBBlankPhone VB...
ValidateShelveset ValidateTestStep ValidateWarning ValidationRule ValidationSummary ValueType ValueTypeInternal ValueTypePrivate ValueTypeProtected ValueTypePublic ValueTypeSealed ValueTypeShortcut VariableProperty VBAApplication VBApplication VBAssemblyInfoFile VBBDCModel VBBlankApplication VBBlankFile VBBlankPhone VB...