● DO NOT spray on plastic, painted, or varnished surfaces or directly into any electronic equipment such as radios, televisions, computers, etc. ● DO NOT apply in food areas of food handling establishments, restaurants or other areas where food is commercially prepared or processed. DO NOT us...
I painted theMini Shaker Flagpole with a silver metallic paint pen, covered the front chipboard form with the same blue cardstock I used for his shoes, and inked the edges. I used the5×9 Wave Strips Stencil, Liquitex Cadmium Red Medium Hue acrylic paint and a foam brush to stencil the ...
The rain became even heavier and soon my shoes would have been soaked through, so I headed for the nearest doorway to seek shelter until the worst had passed. The door led into a museum. I stood at the door for a while, looking out, but things didn’t appear to be improving and I...