Method 1: Clear Your Recent Searches From Your Search Bar Step 1:Open thebrowserof your choice > log in to yourFacebook account. Step 2:Click thesearch barat the top-left corner > clickEditfrom the drop-down menu. Step 3: Here, you can: ...
1. Facebook 在Facebook上删除搜索记录的步骤如下: 登录Facebook账户。 点击页面右上角的放大镜图标(搜索框)。 在下拉菜单中,点击“查看所有搜索记录”(See All Search History)。 在搜索记录页面,点击右侧的“清除所有搜索记录”(Clear Searches)按钮。 2. Twitter 在Twitter上删除搜索记录的步骤如下: 登录Twitte...
Once the search results show up, go to the Search tab (under Search Tools) in the ribbon menu, click Recent searches, and select Clear search history. Go through the Folder Options dialog: Launch File Explorer. Go to the ribbon menu and click File. Select Change folder and search options...
Clear Your Recent Searches on Instagram Summary To clear your Instagram cache on Android, open the Apps screen in Settings, tap "Instagram," and use "Clear Cache" under Storage. On iPhone, delete and reinstall the Instagram app. You can also clear your recent searches. ...
Step 4.Scroll down and tap on“Recent Searches”. This page will show you all your recent searches on the platform. Step 5.To remove them all in bulk, tap on the“Clear All”option and confirm your action. This will remove all the search suggestions on yourInstagram accountin seconds. ...
Here is how you can clear web browsing history for recent, or all dates, on the Mac Safari browser: From the Safari browser, pull down the “Safari” menu and choose “Clear History and Website Data” Select one of the options alongside the Clear menu: ...
Clearing the Recent Search List in Safari for Mac OS X This should apply to all desktop versions of Safari regardless of the version of Mac OS X or even Windows: Open a new Safari browsing window and click into the URL bar* Confirm the “Recent Searches” menu is visible with the searc...
You can delete individual searches instead of clearing searches all at one time. Find your searches in theSearch historylist. The most recent searches are at the top. Select theXicon next to an individual item to delete it. How to Clear Your YouTube Search History Using the YouTube App ...
Use the address bar for web searches. The bookmarks bar doesn't show in the new tab. Why does Clear New Tab hide it? Clear New Tab doesn't hide it; if an extension replaces the default new tab, Edge automatically hides the bookmarks bar. To make it always visible, press Ctrl + Shi...
The simplest way to clear your Facebook search history is to use the search bar. To do so, follow these steps: Open Facebook on your browser and click onSearch Facebook(located in the top-left corner). Here, you will see the recent searches. To delete individual searches, you can simp...