Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 命令 关于 Add-History Clear-History Clear-Host Connect-PSSession Debug-Job Disable-ExperimentalFeature Disable-PSRemoting Disable-PSSessionConfiguration Disconnect-PSSession Enable-ExperimentalFeature Enable-PSRemoting Enable-PSSessionConfiguration ...
PowerShell turns out has a great memory, and can help you with those tedious list of commands you've entered time over time. No worries if you've closed the PowerShell window, rebooted your machine, PowerShell will remember your history. In most cases, that would be an awesome f...
有些时候不小心上传了一些敏感文件(例如密码), 或者不想上传的文件(没及时或忘了加到.gitignore里的)...
Clear-History [[-Count] <int>] [-CommandLine <string[]>] [-Newest] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Clear-History cmdlet 删除命令历史记录中的命令(即当前会话期间输入的命令的列表)。 如果不使用参数,Clear-History 会删除会话历史记录中的所有命令,但可以使用 Clear-History 的参数来...
This is not obvious, but theClear-Historycommand in PowerShell won’t clear the history of the previous commands. TheClear-Historyclears only the commands entered during the current session, that could be displayed by theGet-Historycommand. ...
Step 1:Open theStart Menu> typeWindows PowerShellin the search bar > chooseRun as administrator. Step 2:Type the following command in the elevated PowerShell window and pressEnter. Ensure to replace Days in the command with the number of days after which you want the Protection History log ...
%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command Clear-RecycleBin -Confirm:$false For previous versions of Windows (with older versions of PowerShell), you can use the following code to clean up the RecycleBin: ...
How to clear history from textboxes How to clear session and close the tab as well? How to clear the session in the first load of a page How to clear the values of the hidden fields without refreshing the page? how to clear validation summary? How to close a browser window using a ...
How to clear history from textboxes How to clear session and close the tab as well? How to clear the session in the first load of a page How to clear the values of the hidden fields without refreshing the page? how to clear validation summary? How to close a browser window using a ...
A similar PowerShell script to clear all entries in the RDP connection history: Get-ChildItem "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client" -Recurse | Remove-ItemProperty -Name UsernameHint -Ea 0 Remove-Item -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\servers' -Recurse 2>&1 | ...