CLEAR_PLAN_CACHE 过程清除所有计划或从 SQL 计划高速缓存中除去指定的计划,而无需系统 IPL。 授权:调用者必须具有 *JOBCTL 特权或有权使用 QIBM_DB_SQLADM 功能使用标识。 CLEAR_PLAN_CACHE( qro 散列 用于标识特定 SQE 查询的一组计划的字符或图形字符串表达式。 如果未指定qro-hash,那么将使用空值。 套餐标...
This command allows you to clear the plan cache, a specific plan or a SQL Server resource pool. Syntax DBCC FREEPROCCACHE [ ( { plan_handle | sql_handle | pool_name } ) ] [ WITH NO_INFOMSGS ] plan handleuniquely identifies a query plan for a batch that has executed and whose plan r...
The time theCLEAR_PLAN_CACHEprocedure takes to run will vary depending on the plan cache size. To avoid tying up an interactive job, it is recommended to submit the procedure in a background job using a combination of the Submit Job (SBMJOB) and Run SQL (RUNSQL) CL commands. Authorizati...
View the current documentation to learn how to upgrade your version of MongoDB server. Definition PlanCache.clear() Removes all cached query plans for a collection. The method is only available from the plan cache object of a specific collection; i.e. db.collection.getPlanCache().clear()... ClearCache Article 05/15/2024 1 contributor Feedback The ClearCache command clears the in-memory cache of the specified object. <xsd:complexType name="ClearCache"> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="Object" type="ObjectReference" /> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> Expand ...
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Enregistrer Ajouter à Collections Ajouter au plan Partage via Facebook LinkedIn Courriel Imprimer énumération D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG (d3d11.h) Article 2024-02-24 Commentaires Dans cet article Syntax Constantes Remarques Configuration requise Voir aussi Spécifie les parties du gabarit de...
planCacheClearFilters: "orders", query: { "status" : "A" } } ) Because the values in the query predicate are insignificant in determining the query shape, the following command would also remove the second index filter: db.runCommand( { planCacheClearFilters: "orders", query: { "status"...
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