0.1.20 删除空白行,代码格式化,JS,CSS,HTML,JSON0.1.13 md5, sha10.1.10 排序, 去重, 修整(去前后空格) Adkill and Media download:网络视频下载及去广告插件 辅助插件 2017-08-19 20:41:52 Adkill and Media download是一款集去视频广告、视频音频下载、正常显示反盗链图片三大功能于一体的chrome扩展...
// in PRINCIPLE you should move the clear AND setting submitting to the success of the ajax ...
I'm sorry if this is already described somewhere, I can't seem to find it. When my user logs out of the application I want the storage to be cleared. I use window.localStorage.clear(); But when I look in local storage or if I log window...
Local storage is perfect for storing things like settings. If, however, you want to store data on a per session basis (perhaps a shopping basket) you can use the sessionStorage API. This works just like local storage.http://openbit.co.uk/?p=105http://html5tutorial.net/tutorials/working-...
Removes all values from local storage for this domain. Pages 18 Home fn.build(string) fn.cookie(name, value, options) fn.create([class]) fn.databind(element, data, map, templ) fn.execute(options, callback) fn.map(array, function(index, value)) fn.namespace(arg, function)...
jsCopy to Clipboard clear() Parameters None. Return value None (undefined). Examples The following function creates three data entries in local storage, and then deletes them by using clear(). jsCopy to Clipboard function populateStorage() { localStorage.setItem("bgcolor", "red"); localStorage...
Storageclear()Method ❮ Storage ObjectReferenceNext❯ Example Remove all local storage items: localStorage.clear(); Try it Yourself » Description The clear() method removes all the Storage Object item for this domain. The clear() method belongs to the Storage Object, which can be either ...
Fabric.js 多边形 noScaleCache 属性 HTMLCollection item() 方法 clear() 方法删除当前域的所有存储对象项。句法: localStorage.clear() 复制 属性值:无属性值 示例:为当前域设置项、清除和显示。 body { text-align: center; } h1 { color: green; } GeeksforGeeks HTML DOM Storage clear() Method ...
add-id class-name clear-local-storage-and-reload create-html-elem get-common-values get-current-date-in-ms get-different-values get-elem-by-key View more amelianceskymusicpublished 0.3.3 • a month agopublished version 0.3.3, a month ago M Q P Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 42%. Popular...