The meaning of CLEAR is bright, luminous. How to use clear in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Clear.
:to remove unwanted growth or items from clearthe land of timber (3) :to rid or make a rasping noise as if ridding (the throat) of phlegm needed toclearmy throat (4) :to erase stored or displayed data from (a device, such as a computer or calculator) ...
clearItemTyperemoves the types of items indicated byItemType, such asall,functions, orclasses. example Examples collapse all Clear a Single Variable Define two variablesaandb, and then cleara. a = 1; b = 2; cleara Only variablebremains in the workspace. ...
clearItemTyperemoves the types of items indicated byItemType, such asall,functions, orclasses. example Examples collapse all Clear a Single Variable Define two variablesaandb, and then cleara. a = 1; b = 2; cleara Only variablebremains in the workspace. ...
SwapChainBackgroundPanel SwapChainPanel SwipeBehaviorOnInvoked SwipeControl SwipeItem SwipeItemInvokedEventArgs SwipeItems SwipeMode Symbol SymbolIcon SymbolIconSource TextBlock TextBox TextBoxBeforeTextChangingEventArgs TextBoxSelectionChangingEventArgs TextBoxTextChangingEventArgs TextChangedEventArgs TextChangedEventHan...
clearItemTyperemoves the types of items indicated byItemType, such asall,functions, orclasses. example Examples collapse all Clear a Single Variable Define two variablesaandb, and then cleara. a = 1; b = 2; cleara Only variablebremains in the workspace. ...
extensions.ieview.contextMenuAdd "Open by IE" items to the context menu (default: true) extensions.ieview.forceielistWebsites to be opened by IE always (default: empty) extensions.ieview.disableForceDisable websites opened by IE always (dfault: false) ...
Removes all items from the collection. Equivalent WinUI 2 API for UWP: Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.SwipeItems.Clear (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).
We are in the process of updating photos for all employees and I have noticed that if I have a PNG with a clear background it is displayed as black in Teams. (I do not have a dark theme selected) but... mikeadams-spww Great spot: and can confirm from testing. There aren...
Since we all came back into the office, we’ve hit the ground running and here are some of the things we’ve been working away on in January. New Bonus Rewards System We have creat... 42 Comments Competition Valentine's Screen Archery Competition 30 Jan 2025 SlugGirl Another holiday...