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Clear <input type="file"> document.getElementById("uploadCaptureInputFile").value = ""; input.replaceWith(input.val('').clone(true)); https://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/clear-a-file-input/ https://www.sitepoint.com/community/t/clear-input-type-file/257508 https://stackoverflow.com/...
<scripttype="text/javascript"> function clear_html(id) { var element = document.getElementById(id); element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML; } </script> </head> <body> <divid="myDiv1"> <inputtype="file"id="upload1"/> <inputtype="button"value="Clear"onclick="clear_html('myDiv1...
New post (Clear HTML file input value in IE using javascript) has been published on Krajee Web Tips http://webtips.krajee.com/clear-html-file-input-value-ie-using-javascript/
however, the selected file was not part of html, it will go off hope this helps... Monday, April 23, 2012 5:21 AM Is your clear button declared as <input type="reset" value="Clear" />? If not, try that. Monday, April 23, 2012 7:50 AM Thanks, it worked. But page gets ...
Call c# functions using html input submit Call exe from windows service in c# Call Function from exe-file from another exe or aspx-file Call JavaScript function on Page_Load of ascx page call JQuery function from C# Call one function from inside another in C# call scalar -value function from...
files is naming and location. To make scripting really fast, it has to be trivially easy to create and retrieve files. I managed to have two default folders—one for input and one for output. I also assume that all files are TXT. If no file name is specified, files assume a default ...
✔ �� Now Call textClear() in your JavaScript file using $('.noTextClear') selector as: $('.noTextClear').textClear(); ✔ � And to change ✘ � image: simply browse inside textClearStyle.css and change its background-image property as follows inside .crossClear class:...
read Bogdan Gusiev’s post about how toclear an upload file input fieldby resetting the HTML of a containing div to its intial state using Javascript and thought I’d take it one step further by doing this in jQuery and adding a clear button next to any file input field on a web ...
<input type="File" name="attach1" id="attach1"> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" onClick='javascript:return verifyFields();'>" <script language=JavaScript> function verifyFields() ...