A clear liquid diet reduces stimulation of the stomach and intestines and provides rest to the digestive system. This is helpful if you are recovering from a digestive disease. One such disease, colorectalcancer, is one of the most common cancers in adults. Your doctor will perform acolonoscopy...
Here's an example: If you're prepping for a colonoscopy, you might decide to have juice as one of your liquids. The instructions for the prep say that you cannot have any blue, red, or purple liquids. That means that you could choose white cranberry or white grape juice. You could n...
and do not contain any solid food parts (ex: fruit pulp). It’s usually a recommended diet as a bowel prep for a day or more, before undergoing a medical procedure such as a colonoscopy, or gastric bypass surgery (Roux-en-y). The most common foods are clear fruit juices (...
Your doctor may put you on a clear liquid diet before imaging procedures such ascolonoscopyandendoscopywhere a clean picture of the colon is an absolute necessity for diagnosis. Doctors also recommend clear liquid diets before and after gastrointestinal surgeries to preventnauseaandvomiting. Although so...
MiraLax-GatoradePreparationforColonoscopy Beforebeginningthepreparation,youmustpurchasefromyourlocalpharmacythefollowing: Thisdoesnotrequireaprescription Miralax238gms(availableinabottle;youmayalsopurchasethegenericcalledPEG3350) Dulcolaxtablets(notthestoolsoftener)-youmayneedupto4tablets ...