CLEAR The CLEAR command allows you to easily delete all column definitions, break settings, compute definitions, and so forth: CL[EAR] {BRE[AKS]|BUFF[ER]|COL[UMNS]|COMP[UTES]|SCR[EEN]|SQL|TIMI[NG]} where: CL[EAR] Is the command, which may be abbreviated
Set-CMTSStepRunCommandLine Set-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript Set-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence Set-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable Set-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr Set-CMTSStepSetVariable Set-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem Set-CMUpdateGroupDeployment Set-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem...
SVsBuiltInServiceInfoQueryService SVsCallBrowser SVsClassView SVsCmdNameMapping SVsCodeDefView SVsCodeShareHandler SVsCommandWindow SVsCommandWindowsCollection SVsCommonMessagePumpFactory SVsComplusLibrary SVsComponentModelHost SVsComponentSelectorDlg SVsComponentSelectorDlg2 SVsConfigurationManagerDlg SVsCreateAggregate...
IsCommandEnabled IsOfficeTaskPaneVisible IsOffline IsReducedFunctionalityMode IsUndoingOrRedoing IsURLTrusted Layout LayoutNow LayoutRelatedNow LayoutSelectionNow LevelingClear LevelingOptions LevelingOptionsEx LevelNow LevelSelected LinksBetweenProjects LinkTasks LinkTasksEdit LinkToTaskList LoadTasksFromServer ...
$msg->set_text($l->t("bad_gplus_login"),"error"); redirect($l->l("prihlaseni")); } 开发者ID:janda2,项目名称:Fitness-shop,代码行数:47,代码来源:my_gplus.php 示例9: set ▲点赞 1▼ functionset($products){ $user = \cf\User::getLoggedIn();if($user) {clear(); ...
Once you’ve cleared out cells, you can copy these cells (command-C (Mac), ctrl-C (Win)) and paste them (command-V (Mac), ctrl-V (Win)) over a highlighted range, which can be larger than the original copied cells. You can also use the Copy-Across or Copy-Down feature in Anapl...
req["command"] ="initialize"; req["debug"] =true; write_request(req, bei); read_response(res, beo);if(res["version"].asString() != WEB_EXTENSION_VERSION) {std::cerr<<"Version mismatch"<<std::endl;exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
<FundViewOutlined /> <MacCommandOutlined /> <PlaySquareOutlined /> <OneToOneOutlined /> <RotateLeftOutlined /> <RotateRightOutlined /> <SaveOutlined /> <SwitcherOutlined /> <TranslationOutlined /> <VerifiedOutlined /> <VideoCameraAddOutlined /> <WhatsAppOutlined /> {/*</Col>*/} </Row> ...
Avoid using Tcl command [clock] in testrunner.tcl. Have testrunner.tcl run various builds as part of the 'release' command. Fix a problem where optimizing an fts5 table too often might cause it to become unreadable. Fixes for testrunner.tcl on windows. Add testrunner.tcl "njob" and "...
(DFCT) - VD creation from MegaCli fails on Solaris Sparc 10u9 operating system. SCGCQ00413883 (DFCT) - "megacli -version -pd -a0" Segmentation Faults if PDs are missing SCGCQ00445356 (CSET) - Megacli crashes after invoking any command in SGI system with one 9280-8e and 2 quad ...