单纯的clear;是清空所有变量,你一调用这个函数,你的所有变量就被请了一次,所以你的主程序的变量也被清空了,自然就会出现你的问题 子程序里面不要出现clear 这种命令,按照函数堆栈的处理方法,子函数运行时,是不会受到主程序变量的影响的。把clear 删掉,或者 clear xx;; xx 表示你想要清除的变量 ...
all|classes|functions|global|import|java|mex|variables 要清除的项目的类型,指定为下列值之一。 ItemType的值清除的项注释 范围中的变量脚本和函数类定义持久变量MEX 函数全局变量导入列表动态路径上的 Java 类 all ✓✓✓✓✓仅从命令提示符 调用clear all会降低代码性能,且通常没有必要。有关详细信息,...
dbclear all用于删除所有 MATLAB®代码文件中的所有断点,以及为错误、捕获的错误、捕获的错误标识符、警告、警告标识符和naninf设置的所有断点。 dbclear infile将删除指定文件中的所有断点。in关键字是可选的。 示例 dbclear infileatlocation将删除在指定文件中的指定位置设置的断点。at和in关键字为可选参数。
clr performs: clear all; close all; clc; This clears your workspace, closes all figures, and clears command window. clr is a quick way to "reset" Matlab. The only point of this function is to save key strokes. If you use Matlab often and you value your time, then this function may...
【题目】matlab编写的长度单位换算程序请帮忙看看这个程序哪里出错了?运行时提示???Undefined command/function 'Clear'. Clear all fprintf(‘长度单位: ');fprintf('1)纳米2)微米3)毫米4)厘米5)米6)千米7)英寸 ');fprintf('8)英尺9)英里10)市尺11)市里 ');unitin=input(‘选择输入单位:');unitout=...
matlab 中fprintfclear all; syms x y = (1500-x)*(1+0.0015*x); ezplot(y,[1000,2000]); dydx = diff(y,x); xsh= solve(dydx); ymax=subs(y,x,xsh); ezplot(y,[0 1500]) ; hold on; plot(xsh,ymax,'-ro'); grid on; hold off; fprintf('the best count is %d dollars/n',xsh...
Script or function that is currently executing or a function locked bymlock, thencleardoes not remove it. Global variable, thenclearremoves it from the current workspace, but it remains in the global workspace. To remove a global variable from all workspaces, useclear globalvariable. ...
Useclcin a MATLAB®code file to always display output in the same starting position on the screen. example Examples collapse all Clear All Output Clear all text from the Command Window before running a command. Create a 8-by-8 matrix of random numbers. ...
vars = {'v1','v2','time'}; clear(vars{:}) Clear All Compiled Scripts, Functions, and MEX Functions If a function is locked or currently running, it is not cleared from memory. code: clear functions