1969 Clear Air Turbulence and Its Detection. New York: Plenum Press.Pao, Y. and Goldburg, A. (eds), Clear Air Turbulence and Its Detection . New York: Plenum Press (1969).Pao, Y. and Goldburg, A. (eds.), Clear air turbulence and its detection . Plenum Press, New York, 1969....
clear-air-turbulence-detection网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 clear air turbulence detection 美 英 un.晴空湍流的发现 英汉 un. 1. 晴空湍流的发现 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft
晴空湍流(clear-air turbulence)。晴空湍流产生于高空急流带附近。组成高空急流带的是强劲的气流,它们自西向东流动,将地球环绕其中。在气象图上,它们多以宽阔的波浪状线条表示,随低气压和高气压中心弯曲变化。当这些高速气流带离飞行航线很近时,航空公司便喜欢让飞机在这些气流带中飞行,从而提高飞行速度,缩短飞行时间。
clear air turbulence 美 英 un.晴空湍流;晴空颠簸 网络晴空乱流;气晴空乱流 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 晴空湍流 2. 晴空颠簸
clear air turbulence晴空湍流; 词组短语 高空晴空湍流HICAT 引言晴空湍流Clear Air Turbulence 双语例句 1. The second part of this paper is clear air turbulence detection theories foundation. 第二部分为晴空湍流探测理论基础。 —— 给力词典精选 2. ...
clear and crystalline (of water) 将“clear air turbulence"翻译成中文 晴空湍流是将“clear air turbulence"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Atmospheric changes in the form of clear-air turbulence are often encountered before pilots have time to turn it on. ↔ 遇上晴空湍流时,飞机师往往来不及向乘客发出...
1. 晴空乱流(=CAT) Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence. 她突然之间被晴空乱流吓死了。 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对 十年爱情桃花
Pao and A. Goldburg (eds.), Clear Air Turbulence and Its Detection, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 402–416. Google Scholar Hardy, K. R., Reed, R. J., and Mather, G. K.: 1973, ‘Radar, Instrumented Aircraft, and Meteorological Measurements of Developing Kelvin-Helmholtz Billows’, ...
air turbulence method空气扰动法 to clear the air使空气流通, 澄清真相, 消除误会 clear air晴空 纯净空气 clear the air使空气清新;消除误会,消除疑虑,澄清视听 clear the air of enemy aircraft肃清空中敌机 airstream turbulence【化】 气流湍流 clear sailingphr. 一帆风顺 ...
释义 clear-air turbulence n. Sudden severe turbulence occurring in cloudless regions that causes violent jarring or buffeting of aircrafts. 晴空乱流(气流的强烈扰动,使飞机受震动摇幌)。 随便看 cashiers cashing cashmere cashmeres cash register casimire casing casing casings casino casinos cask casked ca...