Perhaps I was a plague on the earth, an abnormality that needed to be cleansed. Et si j’étais devenu un fléau pour l’humanité, une abomination qu’il convenait de purifier ? Literature Of the dishonor that could only be cleansed with blood. Du déshonneur qui ne pourrait être...
--Though we may have done our best by self-examination and confession, and repentance and trust in the atoning blood of Christ to obtain remission of sin, still the heart is so deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9), sins may so easily have escaped our notice (Psalm 19:12, 1Corinthians 4:4), ...
Section II ofThe Trail of Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus: Christian Revisionism on Trialand other resources on theSimply Churchwebsite) few churches, pastors, and believers will study the matters out in the Word of God, and repent. As a sidenote, most believers do not believe that ...