CleanMyMac X 是一款专业的Mac清理软件,可智能清理mac磁盘垃圾和多余语言安装包,快速释放电脑内存,轻松管理和升级 Mac 上的应用。 同时CleanMyMac X 可以强力卸载恶意软件,修复系统漏洞,一键扫描和优化 Mac 系统,让您的电脑焕然一新!查看更多功能 > 系统加速 智能清理 安全保护 获得Apple 认证 下载量超1500 万...
CleanMyMac X A cleaner Mac is a faster Mac. There’s nothing like regular cleaning to help your Mac stay fast and powerful. And with a Mac cleaner app like CleanMyMac X, a good Mac cleanup takes just a few clicks. Get CleanMyMac for free and see for yourself. ...
So much more than a Mac cleaner. Start Free Trial Neutralize threats before they do any harm Spot and remove malware that may hide itself within seemingly innocent software. Stay secure, knowing your Mac is always protected. Take control of the clutter ...
CleanMyMac is an all-in-one Mac cleaner that cleans, protects, and speeds up your Mac. Download CleanMyMac for an instant optimization - for free.
CleanMyMac X是目前mac上非常强大的系统清理工具,可以清除mac系统多余的语言包、系统缓存、应用程序、PowerPc软件运行库等,是个硬盘瘦身的好工具。
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CleanMyMac X 版本: 4.15.3 语言: 简体中文 系统平台: Mac 月均下载: 7.4万 评分: 5.0 免费下载 立即购买 你是使用CleanMyMac清理Mac吗?如果是,那么你的CleanMyMac在哪下载的呢? 最近,小编在逛论坛、贴吧等地方时,看到网友使用CleanMyMac之后出现各种各样的问题,绝大多数就是因为使用了CleanMyMac破解版软件。如果...