Get organised and clean with this free printable cleaning checklist. Clean, tick, wipe, repeat! Download the free printable to make your cleaning checklist!
Cleaning Cards –The first thing one needs to get properly motivated is a colorful + darling checklist. (Because cute makes everything more fun, right?) And let’s not forget to mention the deep satisfaction of checking things off a list. We’ve created these Printable Cleaning Checklist Card...
Thisprintable weekly cleaning schedulebreaks up household chores over the course of six days, which makes them seem less like a marathon and much more manageable. Instead of spending hours dashing around the house trying to do it all at once, there are just a few things to do each day! If...
Enter your name + email for immediate access to this printable. We'll add you to our weekly newsletter list where you'llget favorite projects, recipes, free printables, and MORE delivered straight to your inbox! Don't worry, we won't ever send you spam and you can unsubscribe at any ti...
Okay, okay, so it’s a good idea. But how exactly do you do this whole “spring clean” thing? And how do you get started? Around here, we take a straightforward five-rooms-in-five-days approach–and to make it even easier, in this article, we give you a free printable Spring C...
So bear with me. We can do this. I promise. Step 1: Create a Master Task List Before you can decide when to clean you must first know what to clean, and how often. Thus before you can create a cleaning schedule that works for your life and your schedule, you need to assess your...
The termspring cleaning listis no accident. About every six months certain areas of our homes seem to clamor for our attention. Kitchens are no exception to this rule. You’ve been keeping the kitchen fresh and tidy with your daily, weekly, and monthly checklists. Add these seasonal chores...
If getting organized and clearing out clutter are a part of your spring cleaning plans, be sure to check out these other printables: Printable Storage Bin Labels Printable Kids’ Clothing Storage Bin Labels Printable File Folder Labels Printable Yard Sale Pricing Guide ...
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Here is a free printable cleaning schedule form that you can use to fill out your daily and weekly cleaning schedule tasks for your home.I've created this printable resource to be used by you while working through the Create A House Cleaning Schedule Challenge here on the site, which is ...