Always dilute essential oils before using them for cleaning; they can pose risks when used undiluted or in high concentrations. Here are some general guidelines to follow: For Scent:Add 3-8 drops of essential oil to 16 ounces (2 cups) of cleaning solution to add fragrance. ...
Tips for using essential oils for cleaning: We like to put the cleaning solution in a spray bottle and glass is best. You can purchase glass spray bottles here for a great deal. You can order Glass Spray Bottles here in 16 oz. size which is perfect for the cleaning solution. I also ...
That post barely scratched the surface of using essential oils forcleaning, which is one of my very favorite uses for them! So today I thought I would give that topic my full attention. In today’s post, I’ll be sharing everything you need to know about cleaning your house withessential...
8 drops citrus essential oil of choice (Fresh Citrus is economical and very pleasant) Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake will before use. Spray solution onto mirror and wipe with a dry cloth. Some commercial window cleaners containbutyl cellosolve-- a toxic ingredient that is ...
Homemade Floor Cleaner | A Natural Floor Cleaning Solution This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, please visit ouradvertising disclosure. Cleaning Tips·Essential Oils 6Dec Learn how to make your own homemade floor cleaner using two simple ingredients. This...
There are a few essential items to keep on hand when cleaning a rifle. To begin, you’ll need a lubricant or cleaning solution that will loosen and remove any residue or debris that has accumulated. You’ll also need a cleaning pad to keep your workspace clean and small, soft cloths to...
Using concentrated formulas eliminates shipping water, reducing energy use, cutting costs, and minimizing carbon emissions for a more sustainable, eco-friendly solution. Clean Up Your Cleaning Concentrated Cleaning Products Enjoy a refreshing scent and a chemical-free clean, safe for families and pets....
(particularly cats) is that they could ingest the essential oils, or absorb them through their skin. While I have always felt comfortable using this floor cleaner in my home (as the essential oils are quite diluted in the solution), you may want to use extra caution; particularly if you ...
“One to one” means equal parts. When you’re making the vinegar spray, start with one cup vinegar and one cup water then increase in equal parts as needed for the size of the cleaning task. Always label your spray bottle with the solution that it contains. ...
If spring cleaning is on your to-do list here are a few DIY cleaning recipes with essential oils.