Cushions, hammocks, and other soft outdoor accessories should be cleaned thoroughly and stored in a dry area to prevent mold. Wicker and metal furniture benefit from protective coatings that shield them from rain and fluctuating temperatures. Indoors, fall cleaning focuses on eliminating dust before ...
Make use of the smaller attachments to your vacuum and get into all the nooks and crevices of your furniture to vacuum out any trace of dust. Also, run your vacuum over the cushions and pillows to help draw out dust particles that have sunk deeper into the fibers. As you do this, mak...
Next, fluff and straighten cushions on the sofas and chairs for a tidy appearance. Vacuum the rugs to remove any crumbs or spills, and air out the curtains to keep them fresh. Regular maintenance of these items will ensure your living room remains a comfortable and inviting retreat for all ...
Vacuum the couch and other upholstered furniture. Use theappropriate attachmentand remove the cushions to get every last crumb. Be on the look-out for loose change. Laundry Room Deep-clean your washing machine. Don’t forget the gasket and make sure to leave the door open between cycles to ...
How to Clean Outdoor Furniture and Cushions Summer! It’s the season of outdoor parties and relaxing on the back porch or patio while you enjoy the sunshine. Before you ... How to Clean How to Clean an Air Fryer Top to Bottom and Store It Safely Air fryers are loved for their conv...
Unbelievable Outdoor Cleaner Patios and decks need cleaning often to keep them guest-ready all season. Carbona’s oxy-powered foam formula with its built-in brush easily removes stains, mildew, dirt and more. LAB RESULTS: We cleaned planters, furniture covers and even vinyl siding with Carbo...
It's time for spring cleaning! And we're here to help with our best spring cleaning tips, plus a printable spring cleaning checklist to keep you on track.
At this point, you may want to bring out your patio furniture and take steps to get it ready for use again. This might be as simple as hosing off the table and chairs, or more labor intensive like scrubbing cushions and making minor repairs. Don’t forget to clean your patio umbrella,...
(clean with a mild soap and water). If you find that it is stained or has mildew or even if they are is no more water beating on the surface, combined half a cup non-chlorine bleach with 5 gallons of water, then why a new coating of outdoor fabric finish...
Then, dip a sponge into the solution and scrub the patio furniture thoroughly before you rinse it off.[12] If there are visible stains on your patio cushions or the umbrella for your patio table, make an Oxiclean paste and work it into the stain before you rinse it off. 14 Deck ...