I'm a cleaning editor, and as much as I love vacuums, I fully understand that most people just want to buy one vacuum and have it last a lifetime. It's one of those necessities that every house—big or small—requires, and one of those more adult purchases that you want to spend ...
International membership shall be open to those firms located outside of the United States and Canada. Such members classified as Distributor, Wholesaler, Manufacturer, BSC, and Manufacturer Representative, shall have the right to vote for officers of the ISSA Board of Directors and in matters regar...
你告诉卡姆达 Well, you tell Kamdar 我家外面可不需要探子 I dont need a spy outside of my house. 我是来保护你的 Im here for your protection. 你是谁 Who the hell are you? 卡姆达派我来保护纳迪亚的 Kamdar sent me to protect Nadia. 行吧 Yeah, sure. 他在这干什么 Whats he doing here?
I don't need a spy outside of my house. 我是来保护你的 I'm here for your protection. 你是谁 Who the hell are you? 卡姆达派我来保护纳迪亚的 Kamdar sent me to protect Nadia. 行吧 Yeah, sure. 他在这干什么 What's he doing here? 罗伯特认为辛·卡拉的事之后 Robert...