I just returned a laptop as part of our refresh cycle and decided to 0 out the drive using Linux before shipping it. I tend to store a lot of customer data and I have no idea where the machine will go once it leaves my hands. I know my process was not the most secure possible si...
While cleaning your hard drive helps you maximize storage space and improve system functioning, wiping your hard drive clears every trace of personal and sensitive data. If you plan on donating or recycling an outdated employee computer, an entire hard drive wipe is in order. Many people assume...
Don’t forget as you go through each room that decluttering doesn’t just mean removing the items from the room, but throwing them out, donating, or having a yard sale. If you have a huge clear away, you might need the help ofrubbish removal servicesto get the job done. You will st...
When we think of spring cleaning, we often picture a sparkling clean home, but it’s important not to forget about our digital spaces. You can do this step when youorganize your home office.A cluttered and disorganized computer or phone can be just as stressful as a messy room. Take some...
“We’re very pleased with the FDA clearance, which substantiates our medical claims and allows hospitals and clinics to make use of this new tool,”Larry Ranta, president and CEO of Vioguard, said in a statement Tuesday. “Conventional computer keyboards have been identified as a key point ...
,or cell phone. Unless you think it qualifies asa vintage collectible,this route usually only works when you're dealing with a fairly recent model. Before putting it on Craigslist or eBay, make sure your personal information and documents are erased from your phone or computer's hard drive....
Cleaning HDDs before donating a machine 發行項 2007/05/03 I just returned a laptop as part of our refresh cycle and decided to 0 out the drive using Linux before shipping it. I tend to store a lot of customer data and I have no idea where the machine will go once it leaves my ...
I just returned a laptop as part of our refresh cycle and decided to 0 out the drive using Linux before shipping it. I tend to store a lot of customer data and I have no idea where the machine will go once it leaves my hands. I know my process was not the most secure possible si...
I just returned a laptop as part of our refresh cycle and decided to 0 out the drive using Linux before shipping it. I tend to store a lot of customer data and I have no idea where the machine will go once it leaves my hands. I know my process was not the most secure possible ...