Before you pour out aquarium water from the old tank, ensure your betta fish and its tank mates have somewhere safe to stay. We recommend moving your bettas to another tank. Take care tomove it with a bit of the water from the old tank. Ensure that the water temperature in the new t...
To speed things up, schedule your appointment on a sunny day so that it can dry quicker. The advisable time frame would be to do it early in the morning or early in the afternoon. Move things around. If your specialist is working with a small area, try to move your mattress to a ...
Check your local pet store for an aquarium-safe cleaner or just use a vinegar-and-water solution. Wipe down all of the external surfaces of your tank and wipe away the extra cleaner with paper towels or a clean rag. Don’t forget to wipe down your tank hood, light fixture, and any ...
Or make inexpensive solutions of white, distilled vinegar mixed with a little lemon for a multi-purpose, multi-surface cleaner and try baking soda as a scrubbing powder. Lemon is a natural antibacterial substance. Volatile organic compounds. VOCs are emitted as harmful gases by a wide array of...
For food stains, simply spray shaving cream on them, allow it to sit, and it remove with vinegar and water. Move-out cleaners understand the intricacies of this kind of cleaning job and will leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of a flawless home. How clean does your house have to ...
Allow white distilled vinegar to sit on the tile grout for a few minutes and scrub it with an old toothbrush. Don't worry. The bristles of the tooth brush will not leave scratches on the tile. If you have an electric toothbrush, it's easier. The vibrations of the electric tooth brush...
The safest thing to use on equipment with calcium carbonate deposits is vinegar. If you're in a hurry, dilute hydrochloric acid is more effective and faster, though can be dangerous for someone not used to handling hazardous chemicals.
Porous brick surfaces can be effectively restored through chemical brick cleaning. Professionals do this by using a gallon of water mixed with trisodium phosphate. Then, using a brush, they scrub the bricks one by one. If you're hiring a pro, the cost per square metre is around $8 to $...
If you’ve ever attempted DIY oven cleaning, you’ll know it’s a messy job that can take hours. You’ll have to bend yourself into an awkward position, use harshchemicals, and put up with a strong smell. If you’ve been putting off cleaning your oven for too long, it might be wo...