Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain(CLSCN) is an international, transdisciplinary companion journal to the Journal of Cleaner Production focusing on the domain of green, sustainable, and circular logistics and supply chain management. CLSCN serves as a platform for addressing and discussing how … ...
CLSCN serves as a platform for addressing and discussing how each paper contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to a zero-carbon society within the domain of cleaner logistics and supply chain management. High quality contributions are welcome from both academics and ...
impact factor 6.9 | indexed in scopus and esci cleaner logistics and supply chain opens in new tab/window cleaner water explores all aspects of cutting-edge technology, theories, societal issues and policies that advance the sustainable supply of clean water. cleaner water opens in new tab/window...
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain创刊主编、Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal、Transportmetrica A、 Transportation Letters副主编、Transportation Research Part B、Transportation Research Record、Maritime Transport Research编委。
The findings show that the proposed solutions are successful in reducing logistical expenses.doi:10.1016/j.clscn.2022.100044D. JanaSamyabrata BhattacharjeeP. DostálZuzana JankováBarnali BejCleaner Logistics and Supply Chain
The Journal of Cleaner Production has the following companion titles: Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy Cleaner and Responsible Consumption Cleaner Chemical Engineering Cleaner Energy Systems Cleaner Engineering and Technology Cleaner Environmental Systems Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain Cleaner Materials Cleaner ...
The Journal of Cleaner Production has the following companion titles: Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy Cleaner and Responsible Consumption Cleaner Chemical Engineering Cleaner Energy Systems Cleaner Engineering and Technology Cleaner Environmental Systems Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain Cleaner Materials Cleaner ...
Cleaner Engineering and Technology Open access 9.8CiteScore 5.3Impact Factor Cleaner Production Letters Open access 3.3CiteScore Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain Open access 8.6CiteScore 6.9Impact Factor Cleaner Materials Open access 9.2CiteScore Cleaner Chemical Engineering Open access Cleaner Energy Syst...
Today, the task of developing reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chains in both developed and developing industries is accepted as a vital need in our societies. The growing interest in reverse issues can be clearly seen in the large number of publications, especially the ones that consider...
Reverselogistics Closed-loopsupplychains abstract Today,thetaskofdevelopingreverselogisticsandclosed-loopsupplychainsinbothdevelopedand developingindustriesisacceptedasavitalneedinoursocieties.Thegrowinginterestinreverseissues canbeclearlyseeninthelargenumberofpublications,especiallytheonesthatconsidercasestudiesin variousin...