“From 2017 through the election there was this building momentum in the category,” said Mr. Towne. The Administration change, he said, “created the perfect storm.” It was going to happen regardless, he noted, but with the Administration change and the support of government, made it all ...
Outlook:In 2010, the DOE cautioned that “many years of both basic and applied science and engineering will likely be needed to achieve affordable, scalable, and sustainable algae-based fuels.” Fuel Cells Promise:Zero-emission energy for everything from laptops to cars to power stations, all ...
If it fails to do so, the likely new Energy secretary Rick Perry has shown himself to be pro-business when it comes to clean energy technologies, despite his denial of the science of climate change. He had a record of promoting renewable energy as an economic driver in his 14 year term ...
While the water quality in the Delaware River has recovered over the last half-century, the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary Science and Technical Advisory Committee (PDE STAC) has called for raising the dissolved oxygen standard from 3.5 mg/L, which has stood since the 1960s, to a ...
The proceeds from the offering of the Bonds are proposed to be used by the Issuer and its group companies for the acquisition of universities and/or higher education institutions in China, for the construction of Phase 1 of the new campus for Guangzhou College of Applied Science and Technol...
cleanscience.co.in Founded Year 2006 Stage IPO| IPO Date of IPO 7/9/2021 Market Cap 147.08B Stock Price 1371.85 Revenue $0000 About Clean Science and Technology Clean Science and Technology specializes in the production of specialty chemicals within the chemical manufacturing industry. The company...