Do you like When I rap or when I sing it for you Do you like when my songs reminisce about us Why am I sus you know I love you all about you everything you do Just tryna count up my numerals huh You know you perfect and beautiful huh Do you like it when I'm running and runn...
To elaborate (further): In our evolution as metal fans, the original founders of this site reached the point where we got upset when otherwise promising metal songs with good riffage and crushing drumwork were interrupted by an attack of clean crooning, particularly the breathy, whiny, upper-o...
Und natürlich ist kaum jemand so hart davon betroffen wie unsere lieben, permanent vor sich hinfluchenden Rapstars. Gott sei Dank gibt es eine Patentlösung für dieses Problem: Clean Versions. Da wird dann „Fucking“ zu „Freaking“, „Bitch“ zu „Chick“ und so weiter, und ...