Finally a juice bar that is actually healthy! With locations nationwide, our USDA-certified organic juices, smoothies & meals provide a Healthy Body + Strong Spirit.
undergoing crystallization. The solute separation is because the ice crystal lattice has small dimension that rejects solute ions19. Additionally, the solute separation mechanism from the ice phase could be due to the insignificant solubility of solute ions in the...
Additionally, different ingredient companies have been working on the development of pre-converted vegetable juice powders (e.g., cherry powder), eliminating the requirement for the bacterial reduction step of nitrate into nitrite, thereby allowing for a faster processing time. Most countries have stri...
concentration. These methods are investigated by researchers for application in fruit juices26,27, glucose solution28, dairy products29,30, pharmaceutical31,32, and wastewater treatment33. During the SFC process (Fig.3), the steps involved are nucleation, crystal growth, separation of ice crystals ...