After using, wash out the inside dirt thoroughly.If you need to cut a large magic sponge, keep the edges smooth.Don’t use for scrubbing brass surfaces, like untreated wood and bare wall. correct use magic melamine foam sponges Caution About Using Magic Sponge Don’t wipe skin.Keep away ...
ECO TIP: Food will keep cool in an ECOlunchbox tucked inside anECOlunchbag. Here are a couple of strategies to keeping food cold – pack a stainless steel water bottle with ice and top off with water to use as a plastic-free icepack inside your lunchbag. Alternately, we suggest wrapping...
With the bag removed to our outdoor waste bin, use a disinfecting spray and some paper towels to wipe out the interior of your trash can, not forgetting the inside of the lid. To mask trash can smells, you can throw a few cotton balls from Walmart, soaked in nice-smelling essential ...
Put the cap of the water bottle back on. Shake the bottle like it’s a Shake Weight (or shake it like it’s a stainless steel bottle you’re trying to clean). This will ensure that the white vinegar covers the entire surface area of the inside of the bottle. Leave the white vinegar...
Side left and right each configured with a movable drawer, recessed design to prevent items from slipping, drawer inside the space 99 * 328mm can be placed in thermometers, cups, etc., hidden long towel rack Casters 4 1.5 inch casters, two of them with brake ...
Drain:Pour vinegar onto a scrub brush small enough to get inside the disposal. Sprinkle the brush with baking soda, then scrub toremove odorsand built-up grime, suggestsMary, a former pro cleaner and author ofThe Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Cleaning. ...
There’s no need to shy away from cleaning your stainless steel sink. In this guide, we’ve covered the basic things you need to know to get this job done well. Now that you’ve got the inside scoop, what are you waiting for? Grab your sponge and get to work right away. For more...
The extra virgincoconut oilis used in place of butter or shortening. If you’ve never baked with coconut oil, you must give it a try. It’s a one-for-one swap with butter and leaves a crisp cookie on the outside while soft on the inside. ...
Litter box:Every few weeks, place the whole kit and caboodle inside a garbage bag and shake to dump out every bit of old litter. To clean the box, cut down on the ick factor by wearing rubber gloves and scrubbing with disposable heavy-duty textured wipes. Never use bleach. It can react...
Turn on the kettle.Bring it to a boil with the vinegar solution inside. If the limescale is severe, increase the amount of vinegar and boil again. Let the kettle soak.Turn the kettle off, unplug it, and let it cool down. Let the solution soak inside the kettle for about 20 minutes....