Clean Energy Science and Technology (CEST)是一本国际开放获取的同行评审期刊,出版频率为一年四期(季刊)本刊旨在以原创研究文章、综述文章,案例研究以及评论等形式发表高质量的权威性观点及成果,领域涵盖生物质能、太阳能、氢能、风电、清洁原子能,以及的转换储存、材料装备及安全、系统优化、开发利用和清洁能源政策等...
A. KaiserJ. GurauskisShiyang ChengP. Hendriksen14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology: CEST2015
It begins with a literature review on clean cooking technologies and clean energy access for the Global South, which leads to the suggestion of clean cooking policies by mapping technology, affordability, accessibility, climate action, business model and local capacity. In order to ensure that the ...
While the water quality in the Delaware River has recovered over the last half-century, the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary Science and Technical Advisory Committee (PDE STAC) has called for raising the dissolved oxygen standard from 3.5 mg/L, which has stood since the 1960s, to a ...