CONCLUSION: Contamination rates are high in clean catch urine, but not related to the time taken for sample collection. CCU attempts are often unsuccessful, and have a low diagnostic yield for investigation of UTI in young children in clinical practice.Kaufman J...
A midstream clean-catch urine sample is recommended to obtain a urine culture in symptomatic adults with suspected urinary tract infection. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to determine whether a novel funnel urine-collection system combined with a silver-colloidal cleaning wipe would ...
Feces sort of sit on top of the litter or catch a few pellets in it while the cats are cleaning up. I found that it got quite dusty with the urine breaking down the pellets, but if you keep the amount of litter to a couple of inches it is manageable. You also have to be more ...
Clean catch urine (CCU) collection is commonly used in pre-continent children. CCU can be time-consuming and specimens may be contaminated. Our aim was to determine the time taken for CCU attempts and to describe the success of this method in diagnosing or excluding urinary tract infection....
The contamination rates appeared to be associated with gender, with (pooled) female contamination rates being 16.4% (44/269) and male contamination rates being 10.5% (37/352). Most specimens of urine were collected via the clean-catch method (81.2%), followed by catheter urine specimen (13.7...
Effects of clean and soiled sawdust substrates and of different urine types upon aggressive behavior in male mice. Agg Behav. 1975; 1 :111–121.JONES, R. B., & NOWELL, N. W. Effects of clean and soiled sawdust substrates and of different urine types upon aggressive behavior in male ...