The Shows screen displays the list of shows fetched from TvMaze API using Paging3 of Android Architecture Components. It also handles the retry if any network error occurred. Recently the repository has been migrated to use Paging3. Paging3 is in heavy development, and if you want to catch ...
Posted byCode Maze|Updated Date Feb 22, 2023|0 Ready to take your skills to the next level? Jump into our high-impact courses in web development and software architecture, all with a focus on mastering the .NET/C# framework. Whether you'rebuilding sleek web applications or designing scalable...
Bu belge JavaScript ile [okunabilir, yeniden kullanılabilir ve elden geçirilebilir]( yazılım üretebilmek için kullanılabilecek bir rehber oluşturmak için yazıldı. Buradaki her ilkeye kesinlikle uyulmas...
1253 1253 X8Ijui33P6I Meet the Man Building Human-Sized Nests Great Big Story 22 |adventure|animals|architecture|art|big|biography|california|design|docs|documentary|environment|gbs|great|lag|nature|nests|profile|spirit|story|travel 173219 5028 90 519 68 322 322 7xCQ4B40wOc How to Explode a Pu...
# run these commands to check for the correct python version python -c "import sys; assert (3,7,0) <= sys.version_info <= (3,10,0), 'python is incorrect version'; print('ok')" python -c "import platform; assert platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit', 'python is not 64-bit...