It is based on the original LeaveIt Theme and KeepIt Theme. Since the three themes have a similar look, if you have questions about their differences, read Why choose LoveIt so that you can choose the one that works best for you. Demo Site To see this theme in action, here is a li...
in the world of housecleaning. Clean Up - House Cleaning is simple and fun : * Open the game and choose the room * clean and shine all the bathroom tiles * use the sponge, the bathtub and the washbasin are so dirty ! * remove the limescale from toile...
A simple and intuitive application that allows you to play sounds of a strictly defined frequency. An excellent bonus for users will be the function of automatically cleaning the phone's speakers from water. No complicated settings need to be made. Cleaning the speaker occurs by pressing just on...
Here is the scene: The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Church elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note and put it on the apple tray… ‘Take only ONE. God is watching.’ Moving further along the lunch line...
Create a languagedatafile in the data folder, using your site language code (e.g.,es.ymlfor Spanish). Customize the footer variables in the language data file: Adjust the values of title, description, and pages as needed. Minima comes withjekyll-seo-tagplugin preinstalled to make sure your...
Another example: in the story, Hemingway use the Spanish word Nada, this is not only to show the author was good at Spanish, but also to draw readers attention. And makes reader think about this word. · Why do you think Hemingway favors a simple vocabulary? I think that Hem...
He kicks it outside the box once in a while. I just sweep once a day when I clean the box. Keep it simple, too many gimmicks like self cleaning boxes are more work than they are worth imo, fragrances lead to health issues and expensive vet bills. Open air box, quality dust and ...
Hemingway uses easy and simple word as many as possible.He tries to cut out any unnecessary words.The wholestoryis easy to read but not to understand. e.g. It was late andeveryonehas left thecaféexcept an old man who sat in the shadowtheleaves of the tree made againsttheelectric light...
· Swipe to Clean: Quickly declutter your photo gallery with our intuitive swipe technology. Swipe left to discard duplicates and blurry images, and swipe right to keep the images. It’s that simple! · Clear Contacts: Streamline your contact list with just a few taps, removing duplicates. ...