The meaning of CLEAN AIR ACT is established air pollution control standards and gave citizens' groups the right to sue alleged violators. Most notably, it set auto emission standards and required manufacturers to drastically reduce the amount of pollutan
菲律宾清洁空气法案 RA8749 REPUBLIC ACT 8749 PHILIPPINE CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999.pdf,S. No. 1255 H. No. 6216 Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Eleventh Congress First Regular Session Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monda
OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & FORESTRY Robert Malmsheimer ReyesRommel MThe United States Clean Air Act and California Air Pollution Control Laws were enacted in 1955 and 1947, respectively, while the Philippines enacted its Clean Air Act in 1999. Despite the disparities in the economic and geographic ...
Clean Air Act 空气洁净法令[条例]相关短语 washing chamber (净化空气用) 洗濯室 middle tank air (容器中层的蒸气空气空间) 中槽空气 mechanical power house (指水,汽,压缩空气) 动力站 wet impinger (测定空气中灰尘含量的) 湿式碰撞器 condenser air cooling (空气冷却) 冷凝管 wet system of evacuating (...
Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) Basic Objective TheClean Air Actof 1970, which amended theAir QualityAct of 1967, was established “to protect and enhance the quality of the Nation's air resources so as to promote public health and welfare and the productive capacity of its po...
clean air act 美 英 un.空气清洁法;空气洁净法令;大气保护法 英汉 un. 1. 空气清洁法 2. 空气洁净法令 3. 大气保护法
美国清洁空气法案(Clean Air Act) 《清洁空气法》(CAA)是一部综合性的联邦法律,规定来自固定和移动源的废气排放。在其他方面,该法授权环境保护局建立国家环境空气质量标准(NAAQS)保护公众健康和公共福利和规范有害空气污染物排放。 该法案的目标之一是建立和实现以美国每个州1975年为了解决公共健康和福利的广泛的空气...
The U.S. Clean Air Act turns 50 on December 31. America's dramatically cleaner skies are evidence of what legislation and innovation can do.
介绍大气清洁法案clean air act CleanAirAct INTRODUCTION TheCleanAirActisaUnitedStatesfederallawdesignedtocontrolairpollutiononanationallevel.ItrequirestheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA)todevelopandenforceregulationstoprotectthepublicfromairbornecontaminantsknowntobehazardoustohumanhealth.HISTORY The1955AirPollutionControl...
菲律宾2016的菲律宾 Land Transport Office: Revenue: FP: Clean Air Act是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 6,845.69 2016 10,615.80 2015 6,845.69 2016 34,106.12 2006 千菲律宾比索 年 2001 - 2016 菲律宾 Land Transport Office: Revenue: FP: Clean Ai...