Clean air actEconomic impactEnvironmental policyImplementationLegal aspectsPolitical aspectsPollution controlSocial impactMarket incentives, though appearing very desirable in theory, face considerable problems in implementation to any great extent in the forseeable future. The problems can be categorized economic...
AirQualityActof1967CleanAirActExtensionof1970CleanAirActAmendmentsof1977CleanAirActAmendmentsof1990 In1967,theAirQualityActenabledthefederalgovernmenttoincreaseitsactivitiestoinvestigateenforcinginterstateairpollutiontransport,and,forthefirsttime,toperformfar-reachingambientmonitoringstudiesandstationarysourceinspections.Preside...
AirQualityActof1967CleanAirActExtensionof1970CleanAirActAmendmentsof1977CleanAirActAmendmentsof1990 In1967,theAirQualityActenabledthefederalgovernmenttoincreaseitsactivitiestoinvestigateenforcinginterstateairpollutiontransport,and,forthefirsttime,toperformfar-reachingambientmonitoringstudiesandstationarysourceinspections.Preside...
The original Clean Air Act was enacted in 1963 and experienced five significant amendment cycles in 1965, 1967, 1970, 1977, and 1990. The Clean Air Act of 1970 was a major driver in addressing the major pollutants. Under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, six criteria pollutants were...
摘要: This volume includes a side-by-side comparison of Senate and House Bills; administration testimony; text of major introduced bills and amendments; and legislative recommendations. (PSB)关键词: environmental sciences energy planning, policy and economy clean air act hearings environmental policy ...
沪江词库精选Clean Air Act是什么意思、英语单词推荐 空气洁净法令[条例] 相似短语 Clean Air Act 空气洁净法令[条例] federal clean air act n. 联邦空气清洁法 amendments of the Clean Air Act 洁净空气修正案 clean air outlet 净化空气出口,净化空气出口 clean air 纯洁空气 cost of clean air ...
AirQualityActof1967CleanAirActExtensionof1970CleanAirActAmendmentsof1977CleanAirActAmendmentsof1990 In1967,theAirQualityActenabledthefederalgovernmenttoincreaseitsactivitiestoinvestigateenforcinginterstateairpollutiontransport,and,forthefirsttime,toperformfar-reachingambientmonitoringstudiesandstationarysourceinspections.Preside...
The meaning of CLEAN AIR ACT is established air pollution control standards and gave citizens' groups the right to sue alleged violators. Most notably, it set auto emission standards and required manufacturers to drastically reduce the amount of pollutan
The Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Industrial Activity: Evidence from the 1970 and 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments and the Census of Manufactures. The Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Industrial Activity: Evidence from the 1970 and 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments and the Census of ...