Clean Air ActLaw42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq. | (1970) established air pollution control standards and gave citizens' groups the right to sue alleged violators. Most notably, it set auto emission standards and required manufacturers to drastically reduce the amount of pollutants discharged from...
Spotlights the six major air pollutants identified by the Clean Air Act for which the Environmental Protection Agency must set national standards in the United States. Ozone; Particulate matter; Nitrogen Dioxide; Lead; Carbon Monoxide; Sulfur Dioxide; Characteristics of these pollutants; Sources; ...
Clean Air Act The 1970 Clean Air Act (CAA), significantly amended in 1977 and again in 1990, regulates air pollution emissions from "stationary" sources (e.g., factories, smokestacks, etc.), mobile sources (e.g., motor vehicles), and certain "indirect" sources (e.g., highways, malls...
clean a. 1.清洁的,干净的;纯净的 2.新的,未用过的 3.整齐的,规则的 4.正派的,正大光明的 5.无有害物的,无污染的 6.空白的,未写过的 7.文明的,无色情的,正 ACT =Active Control Technology 主动控制技术 air cushion adj. 气垫的 air atomizing 气力喷雾 air blasting 鼓风 air bronchograp...
clean air act 美 英 un.空气清洁法;空气洁净法令;大气保护法 英汉 un. 1. 空气清洁法 2. 空气洁净法令 3. 大气保护法
美国清洁空气法案(Clean Air Act) 《清洁空气法》(CAA)是一部综合性的联邦法律,规定来自固定和移动源的废气排放。在其他方面,该法授权环境保护局建立国家环境空气质量标准(NAAQS)保护公众健康和公共福利和规范有害空气污染物排放。 该法案的目标之一是建立和实现以美国每个州1975年为了解决公共健康和福利的广泛的空气...
No, we’re discharging it into groundwater and the Clean Water Act doesn’t really address discharges into groundwater, it addresses navigable waters. The evidence in that case indicated that the pollutants from the wastewater discharge did reach the Pacific Ocean within a few weeks ...
Clean Air Act: Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title I, Part A, Section 112); Accidental Release Prevention/Flammable Substances, (Section 112[r], Table 3), TQ=15,000lb (6825kg). View chapterExplore book Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing ...
The Clean Air Act is a United States federal law enacted by the United States Congress to control air pollution on a national level. It requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and enforce regulations to protect the general public from exposure to airborne contaminants that ...
介绍大气清洁法案cleanairact资料 CleanAirAct INTRODUCTION TheCleanAirActisaUnitedStatesfederallawdesignedtocontrolairpollutiononanationallevel.ItrequirestheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA)todevelopandenforceregulationstoprotectthepublicfromairbornecontaminantsknowntobehazardoustohumanhealth.HISTORY The1955AirPollutionControl...