The meaning of CLEAN AIR ACT is established air pollution control standards and gave citizens' groups the right to sue alleged violators. Most notably, it set auto emission standards and required manufacturers to drastically reduce the amount of pollutan
Addressing Air Emissions from theAddressingAirEmissionsfromthePetroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New SourceRiskandTechnologyReviewand... major 被引量: 0发表: 0年 加载更多研究点推荐 New Source Review Program Clean Air Act Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 引用走势 2004 被引...
Clean Air Act (CAA): The CAA is another federal statute enacted for the protection and enhancement of the Nation’s air quality for fostering public health, welfare, and productive capacity of the population [59]. From: Comprehensive Energy Systems, 2018 ...
air quality act 【法】 大气质量法 Air Quality Act 大气质量法 相似单词 act wait n. 幕间休息 AIR =Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) 是一个跨操作系统的运行时,利用现有的Web开发技术(Flash,Flex,HTML,JavaScript,Ajax)来构建富Inte air n. 1. 空气;大气 2. 压缩空气 3. 天空;空间 4. 微风 ...
Clean Air Act(ion) It creeps in silently and is everywhere at once. It is totally invisible to the naked eye, but often carries potentially dangerous materials. It can cause sickness and discomfort without ever being detected. What on earth could it be?
clean air act 美 英 un.空气清洁法;空气洁净法令;大气保护法 英汉 un. 1. 空气清洁法 2. 空气洁净法令 3. 大气保护法
CleanAirAct INTRODUCTION TheCleanAirActisaUnitedStatesfederallawdesignedtocontrolairpollutiononanationallevel.ItrequirestheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA)todevelopandenforceregulationstoprotectthepublicfromairbornecontaminantsknowntobehazardoustohumanhealth.HISTORY The1955AirPollutionControlActwasthefirstU.Sfederal...
I exploit a natural experiment created by the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Air Act watch list. The watch list was designed as a monthly tracking system for internal use at EPA, but its existence and the identities of facilities on some watch lists were publicly revealed be...
根据清洁空气法(the Clean Air Act)的企业的排放物亦是如此。通常,行政机关甚至并不对企业的自我报告进行初步的核查。|基于34个网页 2. 空气洁净法令 如美国1990年颁布空气洁净法令(The Clean Air Act),对排放破坏臭氧层的有害物质和气体的厂商课以重罚。又如,1997年许多国 … ...