Chay, Kenneth, and Michael Greenstone, "Air Quality, Infant Mortality, and the Clean Air Act of 1970." NBER working paper no. 10053 (2003a). "The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Evidence from Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession," Quarterly Journal of...
The US Clean Air Act, passed in 1970 with strong bipartisan support, was the first environmental law to give the federal government a serious regulatory role, established the architecture of the US air pollution control system, and became a model for subsequent environmental laws in the United St...
The 1963 Clean Air Act relied on states to issue and enforce regulations regarding air pollution. Concerned that states were not doing enough, and that air pollution was an interstate problem because wind carries pollutants across borders, Congress amended the Clean Air Act in 1970. The Clean Air...
clean air manifold 净化空气总管,净化空气总管 air quality act 【法】 大气质量法 Air Quality Act 大气质量法 相似单词 act wait n. 幕间休息 AIR =Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) 是一个跨操作系统的运行时,利用现有的Web开发技术(Flash,Flex,HTML,JavaScript,Ajax)来构建富Inte air n. 1. 空气...
Clean Air Act(ion) It creeps in silently and is everywhere at once. It is totally invisible to the naked eye, but often carries potentially dangerous materials. It can cause sickness and discomfort without ever being detected. What on earth could it be?
We examine whether counties designated as out of attainment with the NAAQS under the 1970 CAA experienced larger reductions in TSP during the 1970s than attainment counties. We answer this question using the official designation of nonattainment status which, between 1972 and 1978, was by Air Qual...