If you want to keep your bones healthy and toxin-free, there’s an easy solution: upgrade your produce game. Whenever possible, choose organic versions of fruits and veggies on the Dirty Dozen™ list. And stock up on more foods from the Clean Fifteen™ list to get maximum nutrition. I...
To minimize the impact on both the environment and own health, customers are advised to prioritize organic products for “Dirty Dozen” as they are the most contaminated with pesticides. On the other hand, “Clean 15” are the least contaminated, therefore, are of less concern when organic is...
So just like with the Dirty Dozen, if you’ve been buying the above 15 items conventionally for the past year, the EWG recommends that you keep doing so. Where do the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists come from?Every year since 2004, the EWG compiles a new Shopper's Guide to ...
The Bottom Line:"At the end of the day, my personal opinion is that eating enough produce is the most important thing, regardless of whether it is organic or conventionally grown," Sassos says. "Don’t let the dirty dozen list deter you from eating produce if it isn’t organic: The ...
The Environmental Working Group (EWG)releasedits 2024Dirty Dozenlist, a “Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce,” and it serves as a solid reminder that we still have a lot of work to do when it comes to cleaning up the food system. This year, the report found that nearly 75 perc...
and is also broken down into the “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen”. We know from scientific studies that many of the pesticides and herbicides sprayed on conventional crops disrupt nervous and endocrine (hormone) systems, increase risk of cancer, contribute to infertility in both males and ...
VegKitchen regularly shares the Environmental Working Group’s annual lists of the Dirty Dozen™ and Clean Fifteen™ produce. Here are the 2018 lists.
Choose organic produce when you can, focusing on buying organic foods from theEnvironmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen listand cutting yourself some slack with theClean Fifteen foods list. Don't Miss:Clean-Eating Recipes Pictured Recipe:Lemon-Pepper Linguine with Squash ...
Yesterday I went to the circus, and at the concession booth, I saw some tightrope Walkers. What a weird flavor for a packet of crisps. Footnote: This joke only works in the UK. Lay’s Potato Chips (USA) and Walker’s Crisps are the same product, just different names on the wrappers...