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是清理命令行的意思。例:a=zeros(56)pause clc disp('已经清理干净了')MATLAB中类似的命令:1、clear 清理工作区变量 2、clf 清理图窗的图形 3、close 关闭图形窗口 4、close all 关闭所有图形窗口
GUI Alternatives As an alternative to the clc function,select Edit > Clear Command Window in the MATLAB desktop.Syntax clc Description clc clears all input and output from the Command Window display,giving you a "clean screen."After using clc,you cannot use the scroll bar to see ...会根据提供的函数对指定序列做出映射,第一个参数function以参数序列中的每一个元素调用function函数,返回包含每次function函数返回值的新列表map(function,iterable1,i python 字符串 赋值 转载 月光倾城美 1月前 53阅读 python clc16 # Python CLC16 ## 介绍 在Python编程语言中,CLC16是一个常用的...
%e=normrnd();%This is gaussian distribution matlab commend %R(1,1)=(sig*Z0)^2; %%DC WLS SE(Implement function for thise) Va_se=DC_WLS_SE(H,R,Znoise);%use the DC-WLS-SE solution directly %%Plot resul...
GUI Alternatives As an alternative to the clc function, select Edit > Clear Command Window in the MATLAB desktop.Syntax clc Description clc clears all input and output from the Command Window display, giving you a "clean screen."After using clc, you cannot use the scroll bar to ...
M文件function fgu xu1 yu2 f2 clcclear format long finline logxexpx fmin1fminbndf fmin2fminsearch M文件function xdot sys xdoty2 y2y1 clcclear x01 0e ode45sys x0 xf 求微分方程组的数值解并绘制解的曲线。 令y1xy2y y3z 这样方程变为 自变量是t M文件 function xdotsysx xdoty2 y3 ...
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