universities, bowl games, athletic conferences, the Heisman Trophy, the College Football Playoff, and the NCAA (“CLC Institutions”). Based in Atlanta, CLC is a full-service trademark licensing company, which employs a staff of more than 120 licensing professionals with the...
To test the role of backbone amides in anion selectivity we used the nonsense suppression method to site-specifically replace amino acids whose backbone amides may participate in ion coordination with their α-hydroxy acid equivalents54,55. This atomic manipulation “mutates” the peptide bond into ...
As any college-bound athlete knows, before you can suit up at a Division 1 school, you have to sign a few documents. Most notably among them is the Form 08-3a Student Athlete Statement. By signing, students affirm that they understand that they are prohibited from profiting from the comme...
Submission of full paper: November 01, 2023 • Once the abstract has been accepted, a Google form will be sent for registration and the mode of payment will also be duly notified. • Select papers will be considered for publication after the conference. • Non-presenters/Attendees will...
Falling in love and getting married are thrilling but can also be stressful experiences. Some might even say these are the easier parts. Maintaining a marriage often demands significant effort and can feel like a full-time job. This is why marriage coaching might be beneficial and we are here...
Full size image The interaction between CLC-1 and Hsp90β was only demonstrated by GST pull-down (Suppl. Fig. 2C), but not by immunoprecipitation, suggesting that the two protein molecules probably form transient association with each other. Similar to the effect of Hsc70, Hsp90β promotes ...
Cyclin D1 is a key cell cycle protein which forms a complex with CDK4 or CDK6 and plays a very important role in the G1 phase. Activity of the 1Department of Physiology, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou, China. 2Department of Pharmacology, Medical College, Jinan University, ...
Full size image The aforementioned observations suggested that the A531V protein spared from polyubiquitination seemed to be properly ushered to the plasma membrane. Nevertheless, can the spared mutant protein form functional Cl- channels in the cell surface? As depicted in Fig.6 and Supplementary Fi...