The page on faces, gives people a leg up on a difficult skill...more The section on cold porcelain (something I know not a lot about) just got a life of it's own (thanks to site visitors taking over) and is one of the most Googled pages on the subject now...more There are 16...
If you want to garden for wildlife and pollinators, don't let lack of space stop you! Plant your favorite wildflowers in large containers.You just might have the prairie or woodland garden you've always a pot! Create a water feature. Provide water year round that is accessib...
The process of direct carving imposes a characteristic order on the forms of sculpture. The faces of the original block, slab, or cylinder of material can usually still be sensed, existing around the finished work as a kind of implied spatial envelope limiting the extension of the forms in sp...
Air Dry Clay Bowls & Pinch Pot Ideas Super popular clay projects are of course air drying clay bowls. They are usually quite easy to make and are practicalgifts that the kids can makeand give! Autumn Leaf Bowls– we love these bowls and have made them MANY times. The article focusses ...
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aThe environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. Next, must...
I want to try making some flowers to use the fairy baby faces that I make out of other modeling clay. The face will be the center of the flower, and they'll be magnets to hang on the fridge. I might also try making little trees that would be suitable for use in miniature landscapes...
Real faces don't have the color black at the line of the mouth, so your doll shouldn't either. Go for softer shades, like dark brown or pink. 8 Add hair. Take scraps of long-haired sheepskin or any real or faux fur with the "skin" still attached. Cut the skin part to form ...