"Claustrophobia: Causes, symptoms, and treatments". Medical News Today. 23 June 2017. Retrieved 2019-04-25. Fritscher Walding Rachman, "Claustrophobia", in Phobias: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Treatment. 168 Speyrer Thorpe 1081 Thorpe 1082 Rachman, ...
根据后文“Claustrophobia symptoms can include: sweating, accelerated heartbeat, upset stomach, passing out, light-headedness, shaking, breathing problem, etc.(幽闭恐惧症的症状包括:出汗、心跳加速、胃部不适、昏厥、头晕、颤抖、呼吸问题等。)”可知,当人们遇到某些特殊情况时,身体会产生反应。G选项“When ...
根据下文"Claustrophobia symptoms can include:sweating,accelerated heartbeat,upset stomach,passing out,light-headedness,shaking,breathing problem,etc"幽闭症会出现出汗、心跳加速,胃部不适,头晕,颤抖,呼吸问题等症状,可推出这里应为G.When a person with claustrophobia finds herself in a ...
Claustrophobia is ananxiety disorderthat causes an intense fear of enclosed spaces. If you get very nervous or upset when you're in a tight place, like an elevator or crowded room, you might have claustrophobia. Some people have claustrophobia symptoms when they're in all types of closed-up ...
2 Claustrophobia symptoms can include:sweating accelerated heartbeat upset stomach passing out light-headedness shaking breathing problem etc. Some common situations can cause anxiety in claustrophobia sufferers.The claustrophobia sufferer will look for an exit when inside a room avoid driving on the hig...
(72)GClaustrophobia symptoms can include:sweating,accelerated heartbeat,upset stomach,passing out,light-headedness,shaking,breathing problem,etc.Some common situations can cause anxiety in claustrophobia sufferers.The claustrophobia sufferer will look for an exit when inside a room,avoid driving on the ...
As aresult, the person often develops claustrophobia.2 Claustrophobi a symptoms can include: sweating, accelerated heartbeat, upset stomach, passingout, light-headedness, shaking, breathing problem, etc. Some common situations can cause anxiety inclaustrophobi a sufferers. The claustrophobi a ...
Claustrophobia symptoms include: Intense anxiety or panic attacks Sweating Accelerated heart rate Shaking Feeling light-headed Nausea Difficulty breathing Hyperventilating Fainting Headache Chest tightness Confusion or disorientation To mitigate these uncomfortable claustrophobic symptoms, individuals with this specif...
Powers."Expo sure treatment, a form of mind-behavioral tre atment, usually results in a total reduction in anxiety symptoms if conducte d properly."Flooding is a type of exposure treatment i n which the person is expose d to a situation ntil the anxiety attack passes; a less extreme ...
72 Claustrophobia symptoms can include: sweating accelerated heartbeat upset stomach passing out light-headedness shaking breathing problem etc. Some common situations can cause anxiety in claustrophobia sufferers.The claustrophobia sufferer will look for an exit when inside a room avoid driving on the ...