A/ Les conditions de validité des clauses de non concurrence dans un contrat de travail. Aux termes d’une jurisprudence constante et ancienne en ce domaine, une clause de non concurrence, pour être valable, doit être obligatoirement limitée dans le temps et dans l’espace (ex : 6 moi...
This article examines the use of covenants non to compete in employment contracts, clauses which raise the issue of firm intangible assets appropriation and the sharing of the rent with the employees. It relies on the recent theoretical developments that show how the law can ensure innovation and...
Dans les contrats de travail, certaines clauses comme celles de non-concurrence et de confidentialité sont particulièrement scrutées pour leur équité et leur conformité légale. Droit des contrats spéciaux : comprendre les enjeux et les obligations Les contrats spéc...
HUD (or the PHA, as ap- propriate) shall state in writing its de- termination with respect to the un- leased units and for which of those units it will make housing assistance payments. The Owner shall indicate in writing his concurrence with this de- termination or his disagreement, re-...
Walid Chaiehloudj, United States: The US Supreme Court rules that the credit card market is a multisided market and that anti-steering clauses do not have anticompetitive effects on this market (American Express), 25 June 2018, Concurrences N° 4-2018, Art. N...
CA Dijon, 16 oct. 2014, Laboratoires ACI c/ Lionel G., RG n° 13/00607 Un contrat de VRP stipulait une clause de non-concurrence post-contractuelle dont la contrepartie financiere etait fixee a "un…D. FerréBlanche de La Mure
In a published judgment of 12 December 2011, the Austrian Supreme Court upheld an earlier judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna that had dismissed a claim seeking the annulment of…Andrzej Kmiecik
The German Federal Court of Justice decides on the compatibility of non-competition clauses to the detriment of minority shareholders with Art. 101 Para. 1 TFEU and Sec. 1 ARC (Gratiszeitung Hallo)On 23 June 2009, the German Federal Court of Justice overruled three judgments of the Higher ...
Non-competition clause: The Court of cassation holds that a compensation of the obligor when the clause is illegal is independent from the possibility or the impossibility for the obligor to have a competiting job (Toupargel)Cass. soc., 4 juillet 2006, M. X... c/ société Toupargel, n...
In a Decision dated March 27th, 2000, the former Spanish second-tier Competition Authority ("Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia", hereinafter, the "TDC") ruled that a non-compete clause ancillary…Aitor Montesa LloredaAngel Givaja Sanz