A clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb. A phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb component, used as a single part of speech.
Real-Life Examples of Noun Clauses Light knowswhen you are looking at it. ("Light and space" artist James Turrell) (Here, the noun clause is the direct object of the verb "knows.") It is a light thing forwhoever keeps his foot outside troubleto advise and counsel him that suffers. ...
Adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses are multi-word terms that tell us when, where, how, or why an action occurs. Here are some examples: Phrase and clause stating when: Read me a story after supper. ("After supper" is a phrase. It tells us when.) Read me a story when I go...
When we want to craft the perfect sentence,phrasesandclausesare two of our most important tools. But what are these exactly? In this article, we will define what phrases and clauses are, explain how they are different from each other, and provide examples of how we typically use both of ...
1.Crossofprepphrases.2.DoubleunderlineACTIONORBEINGverbs.3.Singleunderlinethesubjects.4.EachseparatesectionwithasubjectandverbisPROBABLYadifferentclause!5.IDENTIFYINDEPENDENTORDEPENDENT DEPENDENTCLAUSES ADJECTIVESTARTERS 1)THAT2)WHO3)WHOM4)WHOSE5)WHICH EXAMPLES Thedogwholivesbymeisnice.TheshowthatIwatchisgood...
WordsandphrasesinthiscolorarehyperlinkstotheGuidetoGrammar&Writing.Clauses:BuildingBlocksforSentences Clausesgobymanynames.Herearesomedefinitions:1.Independent:Aclausethatcanstandbyitselfandstillmakesense.Anindependentclausecouldbeitsownsentence,butisoftenpartofalargerstructure,combinedwithotherindependentclausesandwith...
Anadjective phraseis a group of words that work together as a single adjective, just like an adjective clause does.The difference is that adjective clauses have a subject and a verb, but adjective phrases do not. [ADJECTIVE PHRASE:]Easy and high-paying jobs are hard to find. ...
Some examples of clauses would be the following: Independent Clauses:Gabriella sang.Charlie plays lacrosse and football. Dependent/Subordinate Clauses:since he gives the best advicealthough I studied my hardest What to Know About Clauses Be sure not to confuse clauses with phrases. Clauses conta...
sentence, each of those terms represents a mechanical error connected with clauses and phrases. In order to discuss these errors we first must understand the terms phrase and clause, two more jargon words used in grammar discussion. First, what’s the difference between a phrase and a clause?
These examples contain nouns (cat, wall, exam, destruction). You have a few verbs (leaving, slamming), but the noun is never used as a subject doing a predicate verb. All of them are phrases. II. A clause is a group of words containing a subject actively performing a verb. The follo...