印象派观察、直接感受表现色彩变化的微妙的画风,对后来的现当代艺术影响非常深远。最为知名的印象派艺术家包括莫奈(Claude Monet)、马内(Édouard Manet)、德加(Edgar Degas)、雷诺阿(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)等。 印象派以塞尚(Paul Cézanne)为转折,承前启后,诞生了后印象派(Post-Impressionnisme)。他的作品,对后来的...
拍品28 A Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) Laboureur dans un champ 估价待询 成交价美元 81,312,500 拍品31 A Joan Miró (1893-1983) Peinture 估价美元 18,000,000 – 美元 25,000,000 成交价美元 23,375,000 关注 拍品32 A Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940) ...
Les galeries de la Rive Droite de Paris sont depuis longtemps fières de leur riche collection artistique et de la réputation exceptionnelle de leurs artistes. Cette exposition présente les meilleures œuvres de ces galeries, couvrant une variété de formes artistiques, de la peinture à la sc...
(with Boudin and Jongkind), settling in Paris in 1865 in the Rue de Furstenberg where they were once again in conntact with Pissarro and Cezanne. In April Monet returned to Chailly intending to paint a vast canvas, aDejeuner sur l' herbe"in the spirit of Manet, but actually painted out...
Paris, Galerie Durand-Ruel et Cie., La 2ème exposition de peinture, April 1876, no. 152. Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, Tableaux par Besnard, Cazin, C. Monet, Sisley, Thaulow, February-March 1899, no. 44. London, New Gallery, The International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers...
Paris, Durand-Ruel,Monet, 1883, no 21 (asPaysage à Vétheuil) 拍品专文 The most consistently explorative of all the Impressionists, more than any artists of the period, Monet represents the movement and all it stood for. A steady and persistent worker, independent of the necessity of waitin...
Monet created this garden in part to be a subject for painting. As John Rewald has noted: The colors of the floating lilies, the sprouts of the bamboo, the undulations of the willow branches were his to determine, so that they could present him with the pictorial elements he desired. Inde...
Monet has given us urbane formal structures; in each, the active upper portion pushes forward, while the horizontal water surface fades into the building's vertical reflection. These are the last of Monet's architectural works and the purest examples of the levitational predisposition that ties hi...
Monettravailleàplusieursséries depeinturesreprésentantlemême sujet. Créateurduimpressionnisme En1862,ilcommenceàétudierl'artdansl'atelierdel'École impérialedesBeaux-ArtsdirigéparCharleGleyreàParis,où ilrencontrePierre-AugusteRenoiravecquiilfondeun ...
Claude Monet (1840-1926), French impressionist painter ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 Claude Monet (1840-1926), French impressionist painter 莫奈() © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) A painting by Courbet or a canvas by Manet require different...