克劳德·莫奈 Claude Monet 克劳德·莫奈(Claude Monet)高清作品《吉维尼莫奈花园的路径》 作品名:吉维尼莫奈花园的路径 艺术家:克劳德·莫奈 年代:1901—1902 风格:印象派 类型:景观 Title:Pathway in Monet's Garden at Giverny artist:Claude Monet Date:1901 - 1902 Style:Impressionism Genre:landscape...
Giverny, a quaint village in Normandy, attracted many Impressionist painters in the 19th century; they followed the lead of the movement’s founder, Claude Monet, who lived there for 43 years. You will visit the Master’s house where the spectacular colors and enchanting garden were designed li...
// Claude Monet in his garden at Giverny, summer 1905. 这张后期上色后的莫奈真实到有点不敢认的程度… 65岁,在自家花园。上色©️painters-in-color
Claude Monet Giverny garden. Claude Monet impressionist paintings, his house, waterlily pond, and japanese bridge. Travel guide for a day tour from Paris, hotels and restaurants in Giverny and Vernon area.
法国画家奥斯卡·克劳德·莫奈(Oscar-Claude Monet,1840-1926年) 法国画家奥斯卡·克劳德·莫奈 (Oscar-Claude Monet,1840-1926年) 图片来源于:互联网/文字由谷歌软件翻译仅参考 莫奈的画像。1875年。 自画像,1886年 工作室的角落,1861年 克洛德·莫奈-狩猎奖杯(1862) ...
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奥斯卡·克劳德·莫奈(Oscar-Claude Monet)是法国画家和印象派绘画的创始人,被视为现代主义的关键先驱,尤其是在他试图描绘他所感知的自然时。在他漫长的职业生涯中,他是印象派哲学中最始终如一、最多产的实践者。印象派哲学是在自然面前表达自己的感受,尤其是在户外风景画中。“印象主义”一词来源于他的绘画作品《印...
劳德·莫奈Oscar-Claude Monet(1840~1926),印象派领导者,印象派代表人物和创始人之一。创作有大约250幅《睡莲》油画系列。很多都属于组画,所谓“组画”,就是画家在同一位置上,面对同一物象,在不同时间、不同的光照下所作的多幅画作。区分它们的,仅仅只是大师对光
Monet's most important work in his later years is the serial Water Lily. This is a magnificent epic and the most brilliant "Ninth Symphony Music" in his life. After 1880, Monet alienated from other impressionist painters. He built a small garden in giverny and lived in it to paint. He ...
The Artist's Garden at Giverny, 1900 by Claude Monet Throughout his life, Monet had been an avid and knowledgeable gardener. It was at Giverny, however, his last home and the place he lived at for the longest, that his vision for a garden became a reality. He was meticulous in his...