模块中的任何文件和链接都将永久删除。 分配、OneNote 页面和 Teams 频道仍可在Classwork之外的相应应用/位置进行访问。 了解详细信息 在Microsoft Teams 中创建作业 课堂团队中的作业和成绩 在Microsoft Teams 中管理课堂资源
Classwork Modules are used to organize class content in Microsoft Teams for Education. Modules have titles and descriptions, and contain resources such as Assignments, Files, Links, and more. Modules can be published and pinned to manage visibility to students. This article will cove...
Teams for Education - Classwork Good morning! I'm having a lot of issues with the Classwork option in Teams. I have teams with different classes and channels within each team, all of them with class work published within the general team... But some students can't ever get to class work...
Classwork Modules are used to organize class content in Microsoft Teams for Education. Modules have titles and descriptions, and contain resources such as Assignments, Files, Links, and more. Modules can be published and pinned to manage visibility to students. This artic...
Classwork Modules are used to organize class content in Microsoft Teams for Education. Modules have titles and descriptions, and contain resources such as Assignments, Files, Links, and more. Modules can be published and pinned to manage visibility to students. This artic...
模組可用來組織 Microsoft Teams 中的課程內容。 模組具有標題和描述,並包含資源,例如 [作業]、[檔案]、[連結] 等。 模組可以發佈和釘選,以管理學生的可見度。 附註: Classwork 僅適用於Teams課程。 每個課程小組最多可新增 48 個模組。 如何建立 Classwork AI 模組 ...
课堂团队中的课堂作业具有教师共享的不同模块和资源。 这些模块可以包括文件、作业、课堂笔记本中的页面、Web 链接和 Teams 频道。 这有助于更好地实现在线学习和数字教育。 本文内容 导航到“课堂” 查看模块和资源 导航到“课堂” 选择课堂团队,然后选择“课堂作业”。
Classwork Modules are used to organize class content in Microsoft Teams for Education. Modules have titles and descriptions, and contain resources such as Assignments, Files, Links, and more. Modules can be published and pinned to manage visibility to students. This article...
Moduler används för att ordna klassinnehåll i Microsoft Teams. Moduler har rubriker och beskrivningar och innehåller resurser som Uppgifter, Filer, Länkar med mera. Moduler kan publiceras och fästas för att hantera synlighet för elever. ...