On any timer, it counts down by the minute above 15 before switching to countdown by second. All timers less than 15 minutes countdown by second for the entirety. There’s also timers for 1, 2, and 3 minutes so you can use them for timed activities, transitions, etc. If there’s ...
Product name:Hourglass Timer;Material:Glass+Sand;Color:Colorful;Size:3/5/10/15/30/60min;Usage:Promotional Gift;Shape:Round;Logo:Customer Logo Acceptable;Occasion:Anniversary;Design Style:Modern;Place of Origin:CN;JIA;Brand Name:Jiaqi;Model Number:WRL-gif
one for 20 minutes and the other one for 15. This is mostly because some of my classes need more time to complete their work at each station. The timers that I used were both Among Us themed and my students really enjoyed that, but you could use any type of timer that you like. On...