Stratford HS After school on B-Days General Grading Rules Summative Assessments (2/3) 40% Formative Assessments (6/9) 20% Class work/Participation (2/3) 30% Independent Study (2/3) 10% Re-Testing Students may request to retake summative assessments / tests and quizzes they failed. They...
CLASSROOM RULES/POLICY Arrival Time Students must come on time. After fifteen minutes of late arrival, the student will be marked absent. Students are expected to have perfect attendance – attend all sessions. However, 85 % of minimum attendance is strictly required before a student can sit fo...
Chris Merlo:This can go badly if you don’t set some ground rules for civility, but done well, classroom activities like this really help open up collaborative learning. One of my colleagues devised a great exercise: First, give students about half of their class time to write instructions t...
gather together and collaboratively create expectations for the class around how students will treat one another (e.g., listening, being kind, no bullying). Remember that the rules should be more about how we expect students
CMost college classrooms have rules. Understanding the rules of the classroom will help you be asuccessful student.Most colleges have attendance rules. At some colleges, you may be dropped for not attendingclasses, so ask your teachers about these policies. Missing classes is serious. You might ...
While in class and school students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner. Failure to obey these rules will result in calls home to parents, detentions, and possible removal from class. 1. ALL SCHOOL RULES APPLY 2. IDs must be visible at all times 3. Come to class prepare...
She cites that letting the students know the content and concepts of the textbook can result to more effective learning.Sibold, ClaireJournal of College Literacy & LearningSibold, C. (2010). Rules of engagement: Modeling and implementing lit- eracy activities in the college classroom. Journal ...
Students given code for using fuzzy logic to balance wheel encoder counts Students write fuzzy experts that: Avoid an obstacle while wandering Maintain a fixed distance from an object Fuzzy Rules for Balancing Rotation Counts Inference rules:
Classroom Management Tips Classroom Management Tips Student Teaching Seminar
(1) sending malicious text, e-mail, or instant messages (2) posting defamatory pictures or messages about others in blogs or on websites (3) using someone else’s user name to spread rumours or lies about someone. More commonly, students are using sites such as Facebook and Myspace to ...