This is the easiest way I’ve found to do classroom jobs. I was doing a lot of tidying up and organizing each day after school and thought that my 1st/2nd graders could do most of these things with a little training. I gave every child in my class a job. This builds community and ...
Supplies for Fifth Grade Classrooms Fun 5th grade classroom supplies make all the difference during the year. In your first year teaching, having the right supplies will provide students the tools they need to succeed. Here are the most popular supplies teachers choose for fifth grade:...
Mr. Jamison holds the “helmet of fate,” an integral part of the weekly SOLE in his 5th grade classroom. Photo: Natasha Scripture His students are flexible and receptive to working in different ways. “I usually work independently, so for me it is a good opportunity to work in a group,...
A 21st Century Classroom; Program Gives Woodley Hills 5th-Graders Laptops, Internet AccessVictoria Benning
How to Explain Participles to 5th GradersSara Ipatenco Related ESL Lesson Plan for Teaching Adjectives Irregular verbs, such as those in participle form, can throw even the most grammar-savvy of fifth-graders. Participles are words that are technically verbs, but that are used instead as ...
and learn about everyday chemical reactions. best classroom science kits for 3rd grade to 5th grade designed for 3rd to 5th grade classrooms, each of these classroom science kits include all the materials, instructions, and lesson plans to explore stem topics through project-based learning, while...
Reading games for fourth and fifth graders should instruct students in the areas of comprehension and inference as well as assisting with grammar instruction. Most importantly, however, reading games should help motivate students to want to read. You can find free, interactive reading games online,...
we'll be there waiting for you guys! by the way, 9th graders have already begun their new round of community projects, and this time they get to choose what to work on and whom to work on. each group started with brainstorming ide...
They both had busy lives with intense tiring jobs. Barney worked a night shift at a post office located 60 miles away from home. He made the tough commute to work every day. Betty worked a lot in the child welfare field, which can be brutal. The couple spent most of the time doing ...
Want a quick game for your 3rd-6th graders to test their geography knowledge? I created a quick set of flash cards called “Is it a mountain range, river, or state?” The best part? Some locations are more than one of the above – Ha!