Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) refers to non-Japanese teachers hired to team-teach English along with Japanese teachers of English. They include teachers hired by the Japanese government through the Japan Exchange Teacher (JET) program(me). ALTs are also hired via local boards of education, ...
Ha megkérnek rá, segítek lefordítani roma nyelrőlmagyarra[. . .]én mozgok az összes csoportban, igen, igen.‘I work in the kindergarten as a Romani-speaking assistant and–Igo to groups where I have to help translate Gypsy into Hungarian.If they ask me, I help them to ...
In addition to children’s sex and age, parental educational qualifications will be assessed to estimate the families’ socioeconomic status (SES) using a parental questionnaire. This will be assessed by the mother and father’s reported qualifications, something that was completed by any elementary...