与时俱进的CollegeBoard自然也会跟进潮流。这不,今年开始推出了全新的Online课程系统--Classroom。这款系统到底是什么样的呢?跟着小编一起一探究竟吧~ 进入方式很简单,点击进入AP Classroom输入每一个科目的代码之后,即可显示你所在的CB账户里。(如下图) 打开课程后,会看到每个科目按照不同的UNIT进行了分类。学生可...
除去外教类课程必备的网课,通常来说国际课程更加需要线上课程的支持,不少海外高中、大学等等都因为疫情限制开发了自己的网课系统,而作为国际课程中的重要组成部分,College Board也赶上了线上课程的这股“潮流”,专门为AP开设了线上课程——AP Classroom。 我们ASAA拥有CB官方认证,能够给校内的学生提供 AP Classroom 平...
AP classro..AP Classroom 各个科目教师资源都包含Question Bank ModuleCollege Board 完整题库微积分AB 微积分BC 生物 化学 微观 宏观 CSA 心理 统计 都有
在树德国际部,AP课程不只是高分! 截至2023年,中国内地开设美国大学理事会认证的AP课程的学校共有473所,今天让我们探索大学先修之旅--AP课程。 全国近500所学校在开设的课程 1、AP课程是什么 AP(Advanced Placement)是美国大学理事会(The College Board)提供的一系列大学水平的高中课程及其相应的考试。AP课程覆盖了...
我们所有的AP课程都是被College Board官方认证资质的课程,并非补习课程。我们提供超过19门AP科目的全年完善课程设计以及超强师资,每年由College Board审计审核。 超高教学质量保障 凡是被认证的教学机构,必须每年通过CB的教学质量年检,否则会被取消认证资质。所以,AP考试最权威机构——College Board——来进行官方监管教学质...
The study relies on observations of four AP English classrooms and two focus group interviews with students of color enrolled in AP English classrooms as well as AP course descriptions to understand the ways that the College Board, the school, and students construct formal and informal definitions ...
WACOAN:Talk about your experience as an AP reader — a person who grades the tests as part of the College Board process. In reading tests this year, was there a different process? Was the impact of learning in virtual school obvious from the tests you read?
Advanced Placement (AP) classes are taken in high school for college credit. At the end of the one or two semester class, students take the College Board's AP exam for that subject area to be eligible for college credit. The results of the exam are sent to your home and to the ...